The Parchman Ordeal

Film Title: “The Parchman Ordeal: The Untold Story”

The Parchman Ordeal: The Untold Story (History Press/Arcadia Publishing): A gripping true story about the illegal incarceration and punishment of more than 150 young mostly African American Civil Rights advocates in Mississippi in 1965 at the infamous Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman, MS. Read testimonies from survivors and experience a little-known episode of the Civil Rights Movement. Click image for streaming and downloading information. 

(A companion book is available: “The Parchman Ordeal: 1965 Natchez Civil Rights Injustice.” Available through The History Press/Arcadia Publishing. For more information about this non-fiction book, click this title: The Parchman Ordeal: The Untold Story). An autographed copy is available through The Parchman Ordeal web:

Film Type:

Feature Documentary

Film Length:


Principle Producers:

New Dawn Video Productions, Natchez Association for the Preservation of Afro-American History and Culture


Mississippi Humanities Council, Mississippi Public Broadcasting, University of Mississippi Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage, Amistad Research Center, Tulane University

Producers of “The Parchman Ordeal: the Untold Story” at the Crossroads Film Festival, MS, where the documentary was selected as “The Most Transformative Film” of 2017.

Preview The Parchman Ordeal

For inquiries:

The Parchman Ordeal producers are available for a virtual presentation. Please contact G. Mark LaFrancis at 601-442-0980 or email: