Women of the Struggle

Women of the Struggle

Film Title:

“Women of the Struggle: Facing Fear in the Civil Rights Era”

Film Description:

“Women of the Struggle: Facing Fear in the Civil Rights Era” will chronicle the lives of Mississippi women who were girls and teens in that tumultuous era (1960s). These young women had to be courageous despite the tremendous fear in their lives. Much has been made of the male Civil Rights workers and leaders, but little, if anything, has been presented about the young women who, despite fear, were strong for their fathers. The ultimate intent of “Women of the Struggle: Facing Fear in the Civil Rights Era” is not just to show a unique version of that era, but create a living example of woman power, thus inspiring a new generation of young women who will carry forward the mission and message of those who went before. A companion Education Outreach Program is planned after the release of the film. This film will be accomplished with an extraordinary number of uncompensated hours of filming, editing, interviewing, pre- and post-production, and more.

Film Purpose:

To tell the story of the struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi in a unique and powerful way: through the eyes of women who were girls and teens in that era.

Film Length:

56 Minutes +/-

Film Type:

Feature Documentary

Principal Producers:

New Dawn Video Productions


Mississippi Humanities Council, Mississippi Film and Video Alliance, Mississippi Civil Rights Museum, Natchez Art Association